I loved every second of putting together all the whimsical elements for this pretty Flower Fairy Party for beautiful Anje!
The green hedges in their beautiful garden at home provided the perfect backdrop for this magical eats & treats table.
- the cute little woven wooden party favour baskets decorated with green leaves and pink flowers filled with treats, if I were a little girl I would have loved receiving something like that
- the hessian stick bundle I made especially for the one little boy at the party
- the most beautiful pink carnations
- the pink flower cookies on sticks which reminded me of the singing flowers in Wielie Walie, does anyone remember that?
- and especially the adorable little wooden fairy furniture which gave me such pleasure to make, I love anything magical and this was magical.
Additional eats & treats included “fairy dust” sherbet, sweets in apothecary jars, candy necklaces, meringues, “tree trunks” Flakes and pretty floral cupcakes as well as popcorn in tiny woven wooden baskets.
To drink we served delicious strawberry milk in glass bottles as well as bottled “dew drops” water.