When you love Sesame Street and cupcakes equally and you can not decide on a theme for your birthday party, why not make it a Sesame Street Cupcake Party? It’s your party after all and you can do whaterver you want!
Little Nitasja has a wonderful imagination and each year she challenges me each year with her original theme ideas! This year was no different and I absolutely loved putting together her party table! She wanted her little guests to each decorate their own cupcakes and that is exactly what they did!
- the adorable Cookie Monster cake pops!
- the beautiful Cookie Monster and Elmo Cookies by Cookies & Treats by C
- the awesome Sesame Street backdrop printed by Memory Wall Creations (the design was done by yours truly :-))
- the cute Oscar the Grouch cupcakes in trash cans complete with gummy worms!
- and the fun cupcake decorating kits!
Apart from the above mentioned eats & treats we also served popcorn in cupcake cups, sweets in apothecary jars, Sesame Street chocolate lollipops, glazed doughnuts (Krispy Kreme :-)) and choc chip cookies!
To drink we served delicious vanilla milk in glass bottles as well as bottled mineral water.
Fun was had by all!