Fortnite is all the rage right now and Jezrael was very specific about all the elements he wanted on his Fortnite Party table! I am really glad he helped me out because without his help I don’t know where we would have been! Thanks Jez!
- the awesome backdrop printed by Memory Wall Creations
- the Fortnite cupcake toppers made by the amazingly talented Daleen Botes from Prettynice
- the Pringles Bandages!
- the cool Supply Drop party favour boxes with camouflage bandanas filled with treats
- and last but not least, the Durr Burgers! Duh!
Additional decor items included a Marshmellow centrepiece box, blue Supply Drop crates and kitchen towel Bandages. Jezrael loved it!
Cookies & Treats by C made the coolest Fortnite cookies which we served on tiny wooden easels.
We also served popcorn in Supply Drop boxes, Loot Llama cake pops, sweets in Medkit boxes, V-Bucks gold chocolate coins and sweets in apothecary jars. Jez’s mom Janice supplied an awesome birthday cake for dessert!
To drink we served blue Energade Splash Potion in a drinks dispenser as well as blue lemonade Shield Potion in glass bottles.

Hi Bolo Guaraná!
Thank you so much for featuring my work on your blog!
What is the Dur Burger tongue made of?
Hi Sheila!
Thank you so much for your question!
In South Africa we call it Polony or French Polony, Bologne in the US.
You can use any sliced cold meat. 🙂