It is always a pleasure working on party ideas for brothers Aidan and Ethan with mom Micheleand this year’s Fortnite Party was no different, it was spectacular! I loved every second of planning, executing, setting up and styling this Designer Eats & Treats Table for them.
The party was hosted at their beautiful home in a residential estate in Johannesburg. It was a beautiful day out and the kids played laser tag in the garden!
- the Fortnite backdrop printed by Memory Wall Creations
- the Fortnite cookies baked by my go-to girl Cookies & Treats by C
- the awesome blue supply Drop crate party favour boxes with camouflage bandanas filled with treats, who wouldn’t love getting something like that?!
- the Pringles bandages
- and the Medkit boxes filled with sweets
Additional eats & treats included delicious vanilla cupcakes, “dynamite” Super C’s and blue jelly bowls as well as popcorn in cute blue supply Drop crate boxes.
The kids also loved the Durr Burgers!
To drink we served blue “Slurp Juice” Energade and bottled water.
I also used my old ammunition crates for the first time in a long time and I think it worked perfectly with this theme!

Do you now where I can get Fortnite tshirts for 7 yr olds in Johannnesburg?
Hi Jenny!
Thank you so much for your message!
Unfortunately I don’t know of a supplier but I suggest that you find someone in your area who prints t-shirts and then send them your artwork, you can easily find suitable artwork online.
Good luck!