I loved every second of putting together this modern, but also vintage, Time Flies Drive By Party for Kuzi’s first birthday celebration!
Our Drive By Parties include individually packaged Themed Party Boxes and cupcakes displayed on a beautifully decorated table. This ensures your and your guests’ health and safety.
- the cutest blue wooden aeroplane custom built for me by Lillyputh Props, just adorable!
- the cute suitcase Designer Party Boxes filled with themed eats & treats for every little guest
- the fancy little wingback chair from Delectable Candy Affairs and Events
- the paper lantern hot air balloon, I had so much fun making it!
- and last, but not least, the beautiful artwork by AnaSakutaWatercolor on Etsy which was perfect for all the party printables!
The beautiful hot air balloon cookies were made by Chantel, the talented baker and my go-to girl from Cookies & Treats by C. The backdrop was designed by yours truly and printed by Memory Wall Creations.
Additional decor items which I loved were the vintage looking globe and the golden clock as well as the paper pinwheels and aeroplanes. I also loved Kuzi’s milestone board which was my very first attempt at designing in Canva and I think it turned out pretty well!