I just love the vibrant colours and the Middle Eastern influences of this Aladdin Arabian Nights inspired party which we set up and styled in this beautiful garden.
We used a low table with colourful scatter cushions to give it Arabian day bed feel!
- the sparkling grape juice in plastic wine goblets decorated with jewels
- the beautiful silk scarves that a good friend of mine brought over from Egypt on her travels there which we used as table runners
- the low table in the beautiful garden setting, the weather was perfect
- the bejeweled gold platters which we used as serving platters
- and lastly Aladdin’s treasure chest filled with treasures and gold chocolate coins!
Themed eats & treats included gold chicken nuggets, Abu’s fresh fruit kebabs and star sandwiches as well as some vanilla cupcakes.
We also served delicious Middle Eastern fare. It included chicken shish kabobs and pita pockets filled with chicken, lettuce, hummus and tzatziki.
Additional decor items included brass oil lamps which I found at the Irene Homes charity shop, coloured glass bottles and colourful tablecloths as well as incense!

Aladdin Arabian nights party in the garden we are adults and kids we be ready costumes we be there