Category: Boutique Events

A Beautiful Food Table for Gjord’s First Holy Communion Luncheon

A Beautiful Food Table for Gjord’s First Holy Communion Luncheon


I had the absolute best time catering for Gjord’s First Holy Communion Luncheon which was hosted in their beautiful garden. MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE ELEMENTS WERE: the delicious black macarons with a smudge of gold, I am super proud of myself for pulling this off! the read more

Ya Mon! One Love! It’s a Jammin’ Jamaican Reggae Party!

Ya Mon! One Love! It’s a Jammin’ Jamaican Reggae Party!


Being a huge music lover myself I had the absolute best time putting together this Jamaican Reggae party for Jayden’s Sweet 16th birthday party! The party was hosted at Bosparadys Party Venue in Pretoria, it is such a beautiful and well equipped venue. MY PERSONAL read more

This Brews & Bites Beer Tasting has All the Best Stuff!

This Brews & Bites Beer Tasting has All the Best Stuff!


A Brews & Bites Beer Tasting is just about the best theme choice for your 40th birthday party especially if you love craft beer and gourmet sliders! This party had a whole lot of good stuff we love! Let’s dig in! MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE ELEMENTS read more

Come Take a Look at JG’s Stunning Boeresport Party

Come Take a Look at JG’s Stunning Boeresport Party


When mommy Beat asked me to help her with JG’s Boeresport party I was super excited because it has all the elements of a farmyard, picnic, South Africa and nostalgia! I literally loved every second of putting this Designer Eats & Treats Table together. MY read more

Just Look at This Spectacular Fortnite Party for Aidan & Ethan

Just Look at This Spectacular Fortnite Party for Aidan & Ethan


It is always a pleasure working on party ideas for brothers Aidan and Ethan with mom Micheleand this year’s Fortnite Party was no different, it was spectacular! I loved every second of planning, executing, setting up and styling this Designer Eats & Treats Table for read more

How to Have an Awesome Bespoke Dinosaur Party for 3-year Old Twins

How to Have an Awesome Bespoke Dinosaur Party for 3-year Old Twins


I loved every second of putting together this bespoke Dinosaur Party for three year old twins Raiden and Rivan. Although it is similar to what we normally do mommy Odette had some special requests and I was more than happy to oblige! The event was read more

An Awesome Neon Glow-in-the-Dark Party for a 13-Year Old

An Awesome Neon Glow-in-the-Dark Party for a 13-Year Old


For Zuane’s 13th birthday she wanted a Neon Glow-in-the-Dark party because it was the first time she was allowed to have a late afternoon party that would go on into the evening, being a brand new teenager and all! We set up and styled a read more

A Beautiful Navy Blue, Pink & Gold Cocktail Party

A Beautiful Navy Blue, Pink & Gold Cocktail Party


When Celeste asked me to put together a navy blue, pink and gold cocktail party for her mom-in-law’s 60th birthday celebration I was immediately excited! We catered for 12 guests but I wanted to make sure that everyone was well fed! I also wanted it read more

You are All Invited to Kopano’s Awesome Avengers Party

You are All Invited to Kopano’s Awesome Avengers Party


Little Kopano loves the Avengers so it was the obvious theme choice for his birthday party! I am a big fan of superheroes myself so for me preparing, setting up and styling this Designer Eats & Treats Table wasn’t even work at all, just fun! read more

How Amazing is Jordan’s Air Jordan Party in the Park?

How Amazing is Jordan’s Air Jordan Party in the Park?


I loved every second of putting together this sassy Air Jordan themed party for little Jordan who turned two! Mommy Alicia and I have been planning this party for more than a year! ME PERSONAL FAVOURITE ELEMENTS WERE: the striking bright pink, black and white read more

This Noah’s Ark Party Made 4-year Old Janlo’s Heart Happy

This Noah’s Ark Party Made 4-year Old Janlo’s Heart Happy


I couldn’t think of a better theme than Noah’s Ark for Janlo’s birthday party as I believe he is a little miracle himself. Do you remember the Paw Patrol Party in Celebration of Janlo’s Astonighing Journey? Same Janlo! I have been doing parties for Janlo read more

Just Look at Little Altus’ Awesome Dinosaur Party

Just Look at Little Altus’ Awesome Dinosaur Party


We set up and styled this Dinosaur themed Mini Eats & Treats Table for a very special boy, Altus’ birthday party. The dinosaur theme is as popular a theme for boys’ parties as ever! Can anyone say RAWRRRsome!? I have been doing Altus and his read more

A Beautiful Bumble Bee Party for Busy Little Bee Rubey

A Beautiful Bumble Bee Party for Busy Little Bee Rubey


Don’t you just love this beautiful Bumble Bee themed party we set up and styled for busy little bee Rubey? Mommy Beat wanted a soft pastel yellow and blue colour scheme and I absolutely love how it turned out! MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE ELEMENTS WERE: the read more

A Great Time at AW’s Awesome Red Bull Racing Party

A Great Time at AW’s Awesome Red Bull Racing Party


AW had a great time with his friends and family at his Red Bull Racing Party! He is a huge Formula 1 fan and he especially loves Max Verstappen! The party was held at the Key West Action Sports Arena in Krugersdorp which is the read more